The library offers the following services:
The library provides free, open wireless access. The wireless is accessible from the library parking lot when the library is closed. (Access to this resource was made possible in part by funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the CARES ACT)
$1.00 per page outgoing/$2 per page incoming.
No charge.
Test Proctoring
$25 per exam plus any copy/fax costs. You may provide your school/college/organization with the Director's name and email (C.Armstrong [at] An appointment is required.
Costs Per Side:
- Black and White:
- Regular 8.5 X 11 = $0.10
- Legal size 8.5 X 14 = $0.25
- Poster size 11X 17 = $1.00
- Color Copies:
- Regular 8.5 X 11 = .25
- Legal size 8.5 X 14 = .50
- Poster size 11X 17 = $2.00
Prepay at the circulation desk, then submit the request to staff [at] or use your library card for in-library computer use.
You must clearly identify what size and if it is color or black/white for each file you email us. We will not print out documents without this information.
Stop at the desk, or call us if you need your print-outs ASAP, as we may not see your emails immediately.
We will print your job after you pay. No exceptions.
Using LINKcat
Getting a Card
Library of Things